
Immediately following baptism members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormons) are confirmed members of the church by the laying on of hands where they are commanded to receive the Holy Ghost. These two ordinances entitle members to the gift of the Holy Ghost, but what needs to done in order to actually receive the gift of the Holy Ghost—the first Comforter?

Answering this question is what this blog is about. It is my hope that this blog, can assist in some way, to help each who visit here to grow in their gift of the Holy Ghost. The ultimate purpose of receiving the Holy Ghost is to be brought back into presence of Christ—the second Comforter. To be alive in Christ means to hunger and thirst to receive these two Comforters.

Email Jared: [email protected]

This blog is NOT an official publication of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

2 Responses to About

  1. Tanja says:

    Thank you, Jared, for posting your website and sharing your personal experience! Your experience has helped give me further insight into how I might get closer to experiencing the mighty change and being truly born again of the Spirit, as the Book of Mormon talks about so much.

    About 5 months ago, I was told about a book called, “Experiencing the Mighty Change,” written by a most humble author. His name was nowhere to be found on the book, so the person who recommended it to me, gave me the phone number of the publisher. When I called it, the author of the book answered and we talked for a while! He said that the book was out of print, but that he would lend me his very last copy if I promised to return it.

    I met the author, Hal Wilcox and his wife, at their home. They are a very warm elderly couple who welcomed me into their home and we talked for about 3 hours! He is about as kind and humble as they come, and he told me how sad he was that so many people don’t truly understand what it really means to be TRULY born again of the spirit.

    He was excited that I was interested in experiencing the mighty change and when I asked if I could make copies of the book, he was delighted and encouraged me to spread it around to as many people as possible! He had no concern for making any money off of it, nor had he ever!

    I am still praying to receive the Lord’s total forgiveness. I just found your website yesterday, Jared; and reading about your experience makes me realize that I need to put more work into my efforts. Like Hal said, it is amazing how many people don’t truly understand what it really means to be TRULY born again, and how the mighty change really feels. I’m all eyes and ears when it comes to learning more about what I must do to achieve this amazing milestone! Thank you for sharing your experience! I have been telling a few people about Hal’s book and now I can direct them to your site, as well. 🙂

    (Oh, by the way, yesterday I discovered that Hal’s book, “Experiencing the Mighty Change” is online! People can find it at: http://shalyce.com/wp-content/uploads/ETMC.pdf

  2. Jared says:


    Thanks for leaving your thoughtful comment. The only reason I brought this blog into existence is to share my experience with others, like yourself, who are seeking to draw nearer to Heavenly Father, with the hope that something I write might be useful to them as they navigate their way through the difficult terrain of this mortal experience.

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