Beginning My Fourth Year As A Blogger

This month signals the beginning of my fourth year as a blogger.  In the last few months I’ve pondered the question: should I continue?

I’ve decided that I will, but I plan on blogging with a slightly different perspective based on the experiences of the last three years.

Based on my sites record of visits it’s apparent that the post I have done on the basic principles of the gospel draw the most readers. So that is where I hope to make a contribution.

As I see it, there is a genuine need among Mormon bloggers to write about those things that help members deal with the following topics:

1.  The everyday challenge of being a follower of Christ

2.  Dealing with a life crisis–death, divorce, finances, health-and etc.

3.  Understanding those who  struggle with their testimony

4.  How to get nearer to the Lord and really experience the things of the Spirit

I appreciate and thank those who visit my blog, after all, that is what it is all about. I’m also very grateful for the blog aggregators, Mormon Archipelago, Mormon Blogs, and Mormonblogosphere. Hope I didn’t leave anyone out.

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