How Do I Know If I Have Experienced The Gift Of The Holy Ghost?

And blessed are all they who do hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled with the Holy Ghost. 3 Nephi 12:6

For those who desire the companionship of the Holy Ghost this scripture is packed with meaning. The Lord draws on basic needs all of us experience on a daily basis, hungering for food and thirsting for water,to teach us what it takes to be filled with the Holy Ghost.

The idea of being filled with the Holy Ghost probably means the same thing as “always” having his Spirit to be with us as expressed in the sacrament prayer (D&C 20:77). Based on my experience with the Spirit I don’t feel I have arrived at the point of always having His Spirit to be with me.

Elder Eyring touching on this subject said:

“Getting revelation, he said, ‘is hard. It is not easy. The constant companionship of the Holy Ghost is possible, but, oh, it is so hard.’” Church News July 8, 2006

Fulfilling our baptismal covenant and receiving the Gift of the Holy Ghost takes our best effort. Is it worth it? I can answer this question in the affirmative! As an  average member of the church I have experienced this gift on many occasions.

I would like to offer a few thoughts to a question that I often hear members ask, “How do I know if I have experienced the Gift of the Holy Ghost?”

Following are two sets of questions. The first set consist of three questions, the second set consist of eight questions.

Three questions to help us determine our commitment in hungering and thirsting after righteousness:

First, how do you feel about the Book of Mormon? Is it an important part of your life? Do you seek to follow and apply its teachings in your daily walk?

Second, how do you feel about the Prophets and the Apostles the Lord has called to lead His church? Do you listen to their counsel and study their teachings?

Third, are you repenting of your sins? Have you called upon God in prayer and asked Him to help you overcome the challenges of the flesh? If so, have you received help and can testify that Jesus Christ is your advocate, who knoweth the weakness of man and how to succor them who are tempted (D&C 62:1)?

Eight question to help us determine if we’re experiencing the Gifts of the Spirit.

Have you:

1. Received a dream from the Lord that benefited you (gift of dreams)

2. Spoken beyond your ability (angelic speech)

3. Felt “peace” at the death of a loved one (gift of comfort)

4. Received “promptings” by unexpected ideas coming into your mind and benefited thereby (gift of inspiration)

5. Felt yourself in a “conversation” when no one else was present and learned something important for you to know (ministering of angels)

6. Exercised faith or priesthood power for the sick and felt the power and influence of the Spirit (gift of healing)

7. Felt love for your spouse or children so powerfully you knew it came from God (gift of charity)

8. Felt temptation so powerfully you were compelled to call on God for help and received it (gift deliverance)

Is your life sprinkled with serendipitous blessings that you recognize as answers to your prayers, if so, then you can have confidence you’re making progress with your gift of the Holy Ghost.

The Gift of the Holy Ghost and the gifts of the spirit are available to all members of the church. However, we learn from the scriptures that many members of the church will fail to receive the things of the spirit. And then there are those who receive it, but then turn away from the things of the spirit because of the cares of the world.[1]


[1] There are numerous scriptures that teach this message. The parable of the Ten Virgins (Matt 25:1-13), the parable of the Sower (Mark 4:14-20), the vision of the Tree of Life (1 Nephi 8:28), and those at ease in Zion (2 Nephi 28:21-28).

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