A Ten Question Quiz on Basic Gospel Principles

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I’ve been working on some basic gospel question for a book I’m writing. This is the first draft of the questions. I hope you will take the quiz and then provide your thoughts on it. 

After taking the quiz, if you think of a question that should be included in this quiz or any other suggestion, please let me know. My email address to cut and paste is: [email protected]

After answering question 10 there is a link that needs to be copied and pasted that will show you the answers to the quiz. So far the quiz has been taken by 600 people. The average score is 62%.

Click the following link to get started. 

Take the Quiz!

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9 Responses to A Ten Question Quiz on Basic Gospel Principles

  1. Alan LeBaron says:

    Re: comment from Oct. 16, 2011 @6:20 pm,
    “Can a person take the sacrament who hasn’t been baptized? No, one must be baptized to take the sacrament. ”
    The current handbook (red) in section 20.4.1 says nothing should be done to prevent nonmembers from partaking of the sacrament and children under 8 also participate.

  2. Jared says:


    Thanks for the clarification. It should read, “Can a person take the sacrament who hasn’t been baptized. No, one must be baptized to take the sacrament with the prospect of receiving a remission of sins. Should an unbaptized person take the sacrament, which happens often in our meetings, it would have no meaning for them because they are not under covenant.”

  3. ji says:

    I’m not sure about the linkage between the sacrament and baptism; i.e., that the sacrament is a renewal of baptismal covenants. I know it is the common belief or folklore among us, but that’s all I know.

    I tend to believe an unbaptized member can sometimes partake of the ordinance of the sacrament with some efficacious result. Imagine a woman who is believing but unbaptized because her husband won’t allow it, or a teenager who is believing but unbaptized because his or her parents won’t allow it. I cannot reach so far as to say that their partaking of the sacrament, should they do so, would “have no meaning for them because they are not under covenant.” Their partaking may have great sanctifying effect on their souls, and such is surely meaningful.

    I tend to look on the sacrament as an ordinance, not as a covenant. It works better for me. I also tend to look on baptism as an ordinance rather than a covenant.

  4. K-Jo says:


    The 4th article of faith says: baptism by emersion for the remission of sins. I am just wondering about that since you said that remission of sins comes upon the receipt of the Holy Ghost.

  5. Jared says:


    Good question. I hope the following info helps answer your question.

    “We sometimes speak of baptism for the remission of sins. The remission, if you will read the scriptures carefully, comes through the baptism of fire and of the Holy Ghost.” Boyd K. Packer, “The Gift of the Holy Ghost: What Every Member Should Know”, Ensign, Aug. 2006, 46-52.

    There are several places in the Book of Mormon that help answer this question.

    Enos was the son of a prophet, Jacob, Nephi’s brother. He didn’t receive a remission of sins until many years after his baptism. He wrote:

    And I will tell you of the wrestle which I had before God, before I received a remission of my sins. (Book of Mormon | Enos 1:2)

  6. Kristi says:

    I took the test, got 70% (the spouse got 60% – HA!!).

    My issue is with Q5. I think the wording is the catch. If you were to ask “what is the most important thing a member can do in their lifetime,” then one could answer correctly, “Living a Christ-like life.”

    For Christ has said over and over in the New Test. that to serve others, to love others, is the greatest good anyone can do. For if we serve others, we are serving Him.

    BUT because you started the question with “The PROPHETS say …” – that was the trick.

  7. Jared says:

    Hi Kristi-

    Go to the following link and hopefully you’ll have your question answered. Thanks for coming by and taking the quiz. 🙂


  8. Log says:

    What is the primary purpose of baptism?
    Correct answer: None of the above. It is the public witness unto the Father that we have repented of all our sins and have already entered into a covenant to serve him and are willing to take upon us the name of Christ (Mosiah 18:12, 21:35; 2 Nephi 31:6-7, 13). Baptism is not wherein we take upon us the name of Christ – that would be the baptism by fire (Alma 34:38).
    The ordinance of baptism is for past and future sin.
    False – without the baptism by fire, the baptism by water is of none effect. “The baptism of water, without the baptism of fire and the Holy Ghost attending it, is of no use.” – Joseph Smith
    When do baptized members receive a forgiveness of sins?
    When they repent with real intent (Alma 34:31)
    When do baptized members receive a remission of sins?
    Correct answer: when they are baptized by fire (D&C 19:31).
    According to the prophets, what is the most important thing a church member can do in this life?
    Correct answer: 30 And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment.
    31 And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these.

    Church members are specifically taught to seek for all the following except:
    None of the above (See 1 Tim 3:1-7, particularly verse 1).
    The atonement of Christ pays for the sins of all mankind.
    False – there are sins which are unpardonable.
    The more influential the church calling, the greater access one has to the Spirit.
    Repentance and reformation are synonymous terms.
    Suffering for our sins brings forgiveness.

  9. Log says:

    Forgiveness of sins is not the same as the remission of sins.

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