Author Archives: Jared

LDS Soldiers Miracle Battle At Kapyong

Many of those who have been in military combat have experienced or seen things that they describe as miraculous. I’ve been in combat an experienced a miracle, so I know something about it. Recently a friend sent me a link … Continue reading

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Some Mormons Search the Web and Find Doubt–The Hans Mattsson Example

This was written in 2013. It hasn’t been updated. During my lifetime it seems that every year or two there is sensational news about the Mormon church in the national press. I remember when President David O McKay died one … Continue reading

Posted in Church History, Doubt | Leave a comment

I Witnessed the Savior’s Life—I Saw Him Suffer in Gethsemane, Die on the Cross, I Saw Him After the Resurrection Go Among the Nephites, I Saw Him with Joseph Smith in the Sacred Grove

I have a friend who suffered a series of heart attacks resulting in two near-death experiences. He told me about his experience meeting the Savior and being shown a comprehensive view of the Savior’s life.  He said that the Savior … Continue reading

Posted in NDE | 14 Comments

I Would Commend You to Seek this Jesus of whom the Prophets and Apostles have Written

Moroni wrote: “the Gentiles will mock at these things, because of our weakness in writing” (Ether 12:23). I am aware of my weakness in writing. Nevertheless, I am persuaded by an undeniable desire to testify of the necessity of “repentance … Continue reading

Posted in Book: Alive in Christ | Leave a comment

Come Unto Christ And Be Perfected In Him

The purpose of nearly every talk in General Conference, every talk in sacrament meeting, and every gospel doctrine class we attend is to help us come unto Christ and be perfected in him. The prophet Joseph Smith said: “When you … Continue reading

Posted in Jesus Christ, Repentance | Leave a comment

“Prepare For The Troubles And Desolations Which Are About To Be Poured Upon The World Without Measure”

The scripture teach that Latter-Day-Saints have a rendezvous with the last days. The Lord has provided a great deal of information about the events that lead up to the second coming of Christ. None of it is very appealing to … Continue reading

Posted in Preparedness | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

Receptiveness of Spiritual Things

Before discussing the things of the Spirit, I think it is important to underscore something we experience often, almost daily: people differ in their abilities. To illustrate, consider two unrelated activities; running a 5K race and taking an algebra class. … Continue reading

Posted in Book: Alive in Christ | Leave a comment

Evidence for Book of Mormon Plates

The video is the third in Book of Mormon Central’s Evidence video series, the two previous videos being one on the archaeological evidence for the place called Nahom, mentioned by Nephi (1 Nephi 16:34), and another on the historical evidence supporting the translation of … Continue reading

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Does God Authorize His Prophets to Make Mistakes?

By Steve Densley Jr. Jared: I read this recently and wanted pass it on to you. Within the past year, the Church published an article addressing the fact that for a long period in the Church’s history, black men were … Continue reading

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A Few Thoughts on Getting the Lord’s Attention

ASK Asking is a law of heaven. We can ask, petition, request, beg, and implore the Lord, depending on our need. Ask, and ye shall receive; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. D&C 4:7

Posted in Gifts of the Spirit, Mighty Prayer, Spirituality, Things of the Spirit | 1 Comment