Tag Archives: Doctrine of Christ

A Review of a Few Basic Principles of the Gospel

“The most basic principles of the gospel are sometimes those least understood.” Theodore M. Burton The following information was obtained by searching through numerous LDS books and choosing a few definitions that caught my eye. Please feel free to add … Continue reading

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Experiencing the Gospel Versus Intellectualizing the Gospel

The doctrine of Christ as revealed in the Book of Mormon teaches church members how to experience the gospel; not just intellectualize it.  The gospel is experienced when we receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.  It is far more … Continue reading

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“Begging for a Remission of Your Sins”

First, a definition of the word “beg” may be helpful to set aside any emotional response we may have to the word. Some among us may feel offended by this word thinking that God would never require His sons and … Continue reading

Posted in Born Again, Doctrine of Christ, Holy Ghost, Jesus Christ, Repentance, Sanctification | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

The Doctrine of Christ vs. the Moral and Ethical Teachings of Men

The Power of Moral and Ethical Principles It’s exciting to read about great men and women of the past. I remember in 8th grade reading about George Washington and other men of renown who brought America into existence. I also … Continue reading

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Desperately Seeking the Holy Ghost

In the Bloggernacle a writer needs to have a good title to get noticed in the aggregators. It’s also a good idea to have something worthwhile to say. I think I’ve got both. I hope you’ll hang in there for … Continue reading

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